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发布时间: 2019 - 02 - 13
浏览次数: 750
发布时间: 2018 - 05 - 07
中文新闻可以是:三年一度,全球最盛大的塑料展-NPE,我们正在做最后的布展工作,欢迎大家光临我们的展位:S30051, 南厅一楼。
浏览次数: 425
发布时间: 2018 - 04 - 09
NPE 2018即将到来,景荣模具期待与您一起分享分享我们近3年来取得的变化,进步和新技术!展位号:S30051 南厅一层日期:5月7日至5月11日地址:美国,奥兰多,佛罗里达州奥兰治县会议中心想要获取免费通行证,点击:https://lnkd.in/gyNbdEc
浏览次数: 707
发布时间: 2018 - 05 - 08
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发布时间: 2013 - 11 - 29
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发布时间: 2017 - 02 - 06
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发布时间: 2016 - 01 - 22
景荣公司2016年尾牙暨2017年新年晚会 1月22日,经过三地全体同事的共同努力,景荣公司2016年度尾牙暨2017年新年晚会在凤岗金凯悦酒店隆重举行。晚会分成三个序章:年度优秀表彰、尾牙晚宴、联欢晚会及互动抽奖。会上,公司董事长孙晓晖先生发表了热情洋溢的讲话,并率全体高管向全体员工祝酒,送上满满的新年祝福,年度各类优秀获奖同事轮番上台让人激动艳羡,景荣的草根明星们为大家奉献了精彩纷星的节目表演,翘首期盼抽奖环节则更是将晚会推向高潮。回顾2016年有太多的感谢需要铭记,展望2017有更多期许亟待探索,再踏征程,我们有信心再进层楼!
Case 最新动态

Welcome to K 2016! The World’s No. 1 Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber!

日期: 2016-10-25
来源: 网络
浏览次数: 418

Global acceptance of polymer materials

The rising global population and the overall improvement in living standards are the main factors that drive global growth. The effects of increasing prosperity can be seen in many markets for plastics application, spearheaded by packaging for food and convenience goods, but also in the variety of storage and shipping containers. Infrastructure and construction also require the use of plastics in water, electricity and gas supply systems, as well as in insulation, window profiles and many more. Another aspect is increasing mobility – in cars, lorries and airplanes. Medical engineering is one area of application where polymer materials have become indispensable: without safe, disposable and hygienic plastics products, technical devices and systems, diagnostics, laboratory equipment and the

Welcome to K 2016! The World’s No. 1 Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber!

Asia is top global plastics producer

The rising global population and the overall improvement in living standards are the main factors that drive global growth. The effects of increasing prosperity can be seen in many markets for plastics application, spearheaded by packaging for food and convenience goods, but also in the variety of storage and shipping containers. Infrastructure and construction also require the use of plastics in water, electricity and gas supply systems, as well as in insulation, window profiles and many more. Another aspect is increasing mobility – in cars, lorries and airplanes. Medical engineering is one area of application where polymer materials have become indispensable: without safe, disposable and hygienic plastics products, technical devices and systems, diagnostics, laboratory equipment and the safe application of medical drugs would not be able to comply with current quality standards. This also applies to our modern and widely appreciated sports and leisure products. In their markets, these applications, equipped with or entirely made of plastics or rubber, contribute to the global acceptance and proliferation of polymer materials


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